In It Together
“ABCD “GATE” means so much to me. It has prepared me for a good job so I can take care of my family and dream of an even brighter future. I see this as the first step in my education and career.”
Wilgens Pierre, age 37, has worked for several months now as a Certified Nursing Assistant, training he received through ABCD’s Generations Advancing Together Through Education (GATE) program in collaboration with GATE partner Jewish Vocational Services. He works every day at home care assignments, helping people who are ill, aged or disabled, people who need assistance with their daily care.
Wilgens came to the United States from Haiti two years ago – he and his wife have two beautiful children – Sarah, age 4, and Abraham, 10 months. In Haiti he trained and worked as a medical technologist. In America he quickly enrolled in a YMCA course to learn English. With two young children, he found the answer to building his career in GATE – ABCD’s unique program, funded with a four-year U.S. Department of Labor grant. GATE provides a two-generation approach to workforce development, providing both child care and skills-training in upwardly mobile careers.
Tiffany Ramos, GATE Director, collaborated with ABCD Head Start to secure full day care for the Pierre children at the ABCD Dorchester center which provides Early Head Start and Head Start programs where administrators and teachers ensure that the children receive every advantage of premiere early education and care. “We were so glad to be the answer to Tiffany’s search for care for Wilgens’ children,” said Cheryl Gomes, Interim Director, Early Head Start and Infant & Toddler Coordinator. “It’s what everyone at ABCD does…we tap into whatever resources can help our families.”
The ABCD team is IN IT TOGETHER to ensure success for Wilgens Pierre and his family. Said Wilgens: “Because of ABCD and GATE and Head Start I am able to take care of my family and save money to go to college and achieve my life goal – to become a licensed Registered Nurse.”