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A Letter from the Executive Vice President/CEO

IN IT TOGETHER! David Laracuente, age 18, and student speaker at ABCD’s University High graduation, says it best: “We are family.”   Hopefully this message will become evident as you read the annual report reflecting ABCD’s army corps of programs spanning life cycles and reaching more than 100,000 low-income persons annually.  Children, youth, adults and seniors plagued by poverty find support and opportunity with the ready aid of an ABCD family of dedicated Board and staff members and volunteers – all IN IT TOGETHER to help those in need and build a better world.

This ABCD Annual Report tells David’s story and that of many others taking control of their futures with the support of ABCD programs and people.

The breadth of programs you will learn about focus on crisis management as well as longer term stability and economic mobility.  ABCD offers two-generational services that promote education, employment, housing, safety and healthy living, all in the most efficient and effective way possible. A remarkable 96.7 cents of every dollar that comes into ABCD is devoted to the programs we manage.

This year’s report also introduces you to the ABCD “Front Door,” a program now using cutting-edge technology to ensure that each person who walks through the door of any of ABCD’s 37 locations in the Greater Boston/Mystic Valley areas can be automatically connected with every service for which they are eligible.

A new ABCD Early Head Start program in Mattapan increases to 416 the number of infants and toddlers receiving critical services during that all-important rapid brain development period.  ABCD plans to continue this growth trend in other neighborhoods in order to meet the rising demand for high quality learning for our youngest, most vulnerable children.

Finally, learn about ABCD GATE (Generations Advancing Together through Education) which provides child care while enrollees pursue skills training in several high-demand fields. One recent GATE graduate who was struggling to support his family is now earning $40.63 per hour ($84,510.40 annually) plus benefits as a Surgical Technician. Many others are pursuing careers as Certified Nursing Assistants, Pharmacy Technicians and Office Managers.

At ABCD, we are proud of another year of remarkable accomplishments by staff, volunteers and most of all the people and communities we serve.  We believe you will be inspired by them too.

Sharon Scott Chandler SIgnature

Sharon Scott-Chandler, Esq.
Executive Vice President/COO