A Letter from the President/CEO
Dear ABCD family and supporters,
In this tumultuous year of 2018, ABCD joins once again with those who care about combating poverty and fighting for social justice in America. Together we strive to give those in need a hand up to a better life.
In a time when the economy is booming and multi-million dollar luxury condos flood the marketplace, our low and moderate income citizens are battered by the challenges of income inequality, unfair immigration policy, racial injustice, high housing costs and rampant homelessness. Parents and seniors are forced to choose between paying the rent, buying food and medicine, and heating their homes. It shouldn’t be this way.
ABCD began with a vision – part of a great experiment in American history – the “unconditional war on poverty” waged by the federal government and community action partners in the 1960s. State and local government and a host of private, academic and social programs joined in. Today at ABCD we honor and continue that vital vision through advocacy for those in need, creative program development, strong partnerships, commitment to the antipoverty mission, and hard work.
Today we strive to build on those achievements and continue ? working with dedicated staff and volunteers and many valued partners – to bring people and resources together to eliminate the pain of poverty and offer all residents of this richest nation in the world the opportunity to live with dignity and achieve their full potential.
Here at ABCD – day in and day out – we open our doors and assist more than 100,000 persons annually who need a step up onto the ladder of opportunity. But the needs are great. .. and growing. ABCD initiatives will be expanded; our work will be implemented on a grander scale. We ask you to join with us. We need your help.
ABCD thanks our outstanding volunteers, including the dedicated members of the ABCD Board of Directors and all our neighborhood advisory groups, our many supporters, and our committed, hard-working staff members for their outstanding work and stalwart support. We are grateful for every donation received, no matter how large or small. We are all truly IN IT TOGETHER to make a difference for those in need. THANK YOU!
John J. Drew