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In It Together


In It Together 

The theme of our 2018 ABCD Annual Report encompasses all of who we are and what we do at ABCD. Board members, staff members, volunteers, directors – everyone working together with the people we serve – more than 100,000 low-income Boston-area residents searching for a step up to a better life for themselves and their children. 

Dear ABCD family and

In this tumultuous year of 2018, ABCD joins once again with those who care about combating poverty and fighting for social justice in America. Together we strive to give those in need a hand up to a better life. In a time when the economy is booming and multi-million dollar luxury condos flood the marketplace, our low and moderateincome citizens are battered by the challenges of income inequality, unfair immigration policy, racial injustice, high housing costs and rampant homelessness. 

John J. Drew


ABCD is the shortest distance between two points — from where you are to where you want to be. Discover the tools and resources you need to move from poverty to stability and from stability to success

Neighborhood Network

In the ABCD Neighborhood Network, we are “IN IT TOGETHER” with hundreds of community, public and private sector organization and people to enable neighborhood residents to build a better life for themselves and their families. 

Special Events

ABCD Honors volunteers, supporters; Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs, Darlene Love and The Spinners Regale sold—out CHC! 

In It Together 

Read about our featured success stories. 

Adrienne Brown

“I love ABCD . Early Head Start and Head Start are our extended family. ABCD provides access to everything you need to succeed in life – eduction, school readiness, housing, work skills, financial literacy. You guys are awesome!”
— Mattapan Head Start Parent

David Laracuente

“At ABCD University High, teachers and staff support the students. They put responsibility in our hands – we are craving out our futures – but they are there for us, helping and pushing every student toward a positive future. We are family!”
— ABCD University High School Class of 2018

Wilgens Pierre

“ABCD “GATE” means so much to me. It has prepared me for a good job soi can take care of my family and dream of an even brighter future. I see this as the first step in my education and career.”
— Graduate of ABCD “GATE” Program Certified Nursing Assistant

Richard McCoo

“This course has helped me to get connected to my community. The ABCD instructor showed us how to access resources through the internet – what we were interested in – whatever might help us in our lives.”
— East Boston APAC Customer

Fundraising Initiatives

Give the gift of time by volunteering or becoming an intern to one of our signature events: like Field of Dreams and Hoop Dreams.

Resources that Support ABCD’s Mission

For the sources and uses of funds for the year that ended August 31, 2017

Board of Directors

The ABCD Board of Directors is comprised of public officials, representatives from the private sector, and community members who are democrati­cally selected by a local ABCD Advisory Board of their peers to represent ABCD community sites.

July 1, 2017  – June 30, 2018
Corporate and Foundation giving can make a life-changing difference in the lives of children, elders and families who need it most.